
  • Himani Maiti JRF Scholar, Dept. of Education, Diamond Harbour Women’s University, Sarisha, W.B.
  • Dr. Amalendu Paul Associate professor, Department of Education, Diamond Harbour Women’s university


E-teaching Learning, E-Gadgets, Epidemic, COVID-19, ICT, Learning-design


During the past few years, ICT has been integrated in many schools and a variety ofnewtechnol
ogytoolswithinternetsystemhavebeenimplementedintoteaching learning system and improve
the quality of education. Thus ICT opens up new opportunities to teachers and students.
Teachers use ICT in different section of teaching learning process like in creating learning
design, in giving instruction, in evaluation system etc. Students access new information, extend
and transfer it in an effective way. They enhance their critical thinking, creative thinking and
problem solving skills. Thus ICT is used as a catalyst to transform teacher-centric education
system to learner-centric education system. But recently the COVID-19 outbreak has created
a terrible situation throughout the world. All classes, examinations has been cancelled in our
country due to lockdown. So, to continue the learning process, many schools have started
online classes in both rural and urban areas throughout the India. So, in this epidemic situation,
only option availabletoteachersise-teachinglearningprocess.Studentsalsocanattendclasses
throughinternetsystemfromtheire-gadgets.They can only resolve their doubtsby discussion
through video chat or messaging through WhatsApp or other systems. Thereisnoopportunit
yoffacetofaceinteractionwithteachersandonlypossibility is e-teaching learning through a long
time. This situation is seen in both rural and urban areas. Students and teachers can not go to
school. They both are locked in theirhome.WhichschoolismoreICTintegratedandwhichisless,t
hewholefactor is meaningless here. Here students are totally dependent on internet systems,
computersandothere-gadgets.Hereitisconsideredaboutwhichchallengesareto be faced by
students through e-teaching learning in this situation. But challenges are quite different in
case of rural areas from urban areas. This study aims to find out various challenges which are
mainly faced by rural students in this situation.A qualitative research design adopting interview
method was implemented. It analyses the data related to responses of five samples towards e-teaching learning in this situation.
Findings reveal that students in rural areas face a lot ofchallenges rather than in urban areas in this pandemic situation. They meet with large hindrance because of internet, use of e-gadgets and environmental condition. It provides a suggestion
for teachers and people related to educational institutions to understand the problems faced by rural students
anditalsolaysdownaplatformto solve these problems in futureperspective. news agency ANI: “ We are seeing at this time
of COVID-19 and even later when all of this (is) over, to give a push to online education. It is important for improvement in the gross enrolment ratio (GER) in the country.” But in this digital platform, not only there are some advantages but students face some challenges also in both areas. Here mainly some challenges are elaborated in this study that are faced by
school students of rural areas.




How to Cite

Himani Maiti, & Dr. Amalendu Paul. (2020). CHALLENGES FACED BY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN RURAL AREA THROUGH E-TEACHING LEARNING IN POST COVID-19 STAGE. Evolving Horizons, 9(November), 47–52. Retrieved from



Research Paper